Ratatouille is an American animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios, released on June 29, 2007. It is the eighth film directed by Brad Bird. It was a success in sales and received positive reviews, in addition to winning the Oscar for best animated film, among other awards, has a duration of 1 hour and 51 minutes, it is rated A and is available in English, Spanish and French. Its setting was characterized in the 60’s in Paris, it has a single that is “Le Festin”.
Remy is a rat with a great taste and he doesn’t settle for search in the trash can. His objective is to become a chef in one of the bests restaurants in Paris. His dream will become true by helping Linguini, a young cook, to maintain his job in this restaurant. This restaurant it’s guarded by the chef Skinner who is the main antagonist. Will he get it?
A cooking rat may sounds like a simple premise but it is very well written. The characters (at least for the majority) do something or are partly important to the development of the plot Remy and Linguini (who are the main characters). The animation, based on the era, a good message and with one of the best characters accompanied by one of the studios most memorable lines. "Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere."
We strongly recommend this beautiful movie because was set in the streets of Paris in a gorgeous epoch and it is inspired by the culture and gastronomy of the Frenchs, just as the main plate: Ratatouille; this familiar movie has a lot of emotion and has a lovely message: believe in your ability and follow your dreams! This message is easy to gain by all the audience because the movie was done with much care by the animation studio to all the families. Encourages you and invites you to pursue your dreams despite how unattainable and difficult they are.
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